Volume 70, Issue 1-2
  • ISSN 0521-9744
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9668
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Within a multimodal framework, this study investigates the images of Zhuangzi (author of the Chinese Classic ) represented by the front covers of both the comic adaptation and its three translations. It is found these covers represent different images of Zhuangzi through processes of recontextualization. In the Chinese adaptation , Zhuangzi, while being emphasized as a revered ancient Chinese philosopher, is remolded from an author into a funny speaker absorbed in expressing his thoughts regardless of whether there is any audience. In , an English translation published in America, Zhuangzi is repackaged as a friendly interlocutor sharing with readers his thoughts. In , another English translation published in Singapore, Zhuangzi is reshaped as a historical figure for detached observation, one frustrated by chaos in reality and investing his thought into his writing. In , a German translation translated indirectly from the Singaporean one, Zhuangzi, while being a historical figure for detached observation as well, is re-reshaped as a reputable Chinese sage, who is old-fashioned but accessible. Differences in these images can be ascribed to diverse perceptions of comics and Zhuangzi in the countries concerned.


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