Volume 70, Issue 4
  • ISSN 0521-9744
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9668
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Youth lexicon has penetrated and become consolidated in the common colloquial register of adult speakers of any given language. This study uses a comparable bilingual corpus of original Spanish and Italian series, and a parallel trilingual corpus which includes the target Spanish and Italian versions of an analogous French series in order to investigate the use of such voices in national and foreign serial products of both cultures. The frequency of use per minute and the repertoire of terms inserted in the series of the two countries have been compared. The results show that the number of occurrences per minute in the Spanish original fictional language is much higher than in the Italian one, where this kind of words and expressions are often excluded. These data coincide with the number of occurrences per minute recorded in the Spanish and Italian target versions. Therefore, the parallelism between the original and target products of both languages shows that hybridization and domestication have been the predominant strategies in the translation for dubbing.


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