Volume 70, Issue 4
  • ISSN 0521-9744
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9668
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Among the numerous German translations of the traditional Chinese cultural classic , the version by the missionary Richard Wilhelm, (1912), is of great significance as the first direct translation from Chinese. The work contributed greatly to the popularity of Taoism in Germany. However, studies on the German versions of the are limited, and most focus on the text itself, whereas the research value of the paratexts has been neglected. This study explores the role of paratexts of Wilhelm’s translation in the construction of Zhuang Zhou’s philosophical ideas. We find there is a noticeable presence of the translator’s voice in the paratexts of Wilhelm’s translation. Moreover, the interpretative role of the paratexts can enhance readers’ understanding of Wilhelm’s construction of the philosophical ideas conveyed by the text. Based on the analysis of paratexts, we conclude that Wilhelm’s translation is characterized by Western cultural interventions, such as analogies between Zhuang Zhou and Western philosophers and the adoption of Christian claims. This may be attributed to the goal of Wilhelm’s translation (i.e., to introduce the to general German-speaking readers), his cultural background of Western education (especially at the Tübingen Seminary), and the sinological tradition of studying and translating Chinese classics from the perspective of Western culture at the time.


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