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A propos du bicentenaire de la Révolution Française: Trois poètes-traducteurs hongrois enthousiastes de la Révolution Française
- Source: Babel, Volume 36, Issue 4, Jan 1990, p. 223 - 228
To the Bicentenary of the French RevolutionThe Bicentenary of the events of the French Revolution, 1789 is considered as a national jubilee of France, but the Declaration of Human Rights, the basis of the French Constitution merits commemoration on international level. From Hungary three poets-translators, who are enthusiasts of the French Revolution, are presented: Ferenc Verseghy, translator of La Marseillaise, Jânos Batsânyi, translator of Napoleon's appeal to the Hungarians, and Sândor Petôfi.
© 1990 Fédération Internationale des Traducteurs (FIT) Revue Babel