Volume 38, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0521-9744
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9668
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The explosive development of the communicatións technology in this century has given rise to a new branch of translatión: translatión for the oral and written press. While sharing some features of both literary and scientific translatión, this new branch has its own characteristics:1. The translator's first goal is to transmit informatión. His first loyalty is to his reader, which gives him more freedom in dealing with the original text.2. The translatión is aimed at a massive audi- hand. The impossibility of having more than ence. Simple language and structures are to the assigned space requires good summarizing be preferred.3. The translatión is aimed at a specific geo- 5. It is quite usual for a journalistic translator graphical, temporal and cultural range. The to retranslate and to edit for style. use of localisms and neologisms is not Besides producing final texts, journalistic unusual.4. The translator suffers major time and space constraints. The need to work in a hurry requires having the right reference works at hand. The impossibility of having more than the assigned space requires good summarizing skills.5. It is quite usual for a journalistic translator to retranslate and to edit for style.Besides producing final texts, journalistic translators are expected to make partial or on-sight translatións, to write précis and to interpret.


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