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According to Nord’s approach (1991) strategic competence is believed to be crucial in dealing with translation problems. It plays an important role as a regulating mechanism, compensating for deficiencies in the other sub-competencies and contributes towards solving the problems that arise. Nord also argues that there is a need for further research that can provide empirical data derived from the problems encountered by translators. The data can also be relevant to the mechanisms the translators use in solving problems.Based on Nord’s claim, this study has investigated the communication strategies used by a sample of thirty six Saudi majors at the College of Languages and Translation at King Saud University in Riyadh. First, the strategies employed by Saudi students to compensate for any difficulties they encountered during translation process were examined. The subjects involved were asked to translate a one- page text from their native language, Arabic, into English. It was found that approximation was the most frequently used communication strategy. The other strategies used in order of frequency were circumlocution, message abandonment/reduction, and literal translation. These strategies are elaborated along with recommendations to provide more insights into how to develop students’ strategic competence in translation.