Volume 54, Issue 2
  • ISSN 0521-9744
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9668
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This paper sets out to investigate the impact of e-­­dictionaries on Arab students’ translation skills and strategies. To this effect, expressions or sentences including culture-­­specific, idiomatic, collocational, and colloquial expressions as well as syntactic complex structures were given to some Arab translation students at Bahrain University.The results showed a considerable effect of e-­­dictionaries on the strategies the students employed in rendering the given texts. It was found that e-­­dictionaries very often opt for word-­­for-­­word translation and formal (literal) equivalence in search for meanings of lexical elements. More complex structure was found to pose greater challenge to both e-­­dictionaries and students. On the other hand, familiarity with lexical elements made the translation task much easier. The paper concludes with a summary of the problems both e-­­dictionaries and Arab students normally encounter when attempting problematic issues from English into Arabic.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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