Volume 56, Issue 2
  • ISSN 0521-9744
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9668
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This article aims to describe how written translations of audiovisual products change along the dubbing process until they reach the audience, focusing mainly on the synchronisation stage. The corpus is made up of the first reel of the Catalan and Spanish translations of three different films released in 2006 (Casino Royale, Good night, and good luck, and The Da Vinci Code).After a brief summary of the dubbing process and a short overview of the approaches to synchronisation found in the literature, the specific strategies found in a bottom-up analysis are highlighted, offering both a wide analysis of the general changes throughout the process and a closer analysis of the specific changes that occur in the synchronisation stage. A comparison of the strategies found in Catalan and Spanish is also included in order to assess whether different languages result in different strategies.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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