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As a participant in interpersonal communications, the interpreter is subject to a number of different and sometimes conflicting ethical constraints. It may be argued that the interpreter negotiates between three main ethical spheres: that of the professions they provide interpreting service to, that of the interpreting profession, and the personal ethics of the interpreter himself.<p>This article compares the ways translators and interpreters define their ethical positions in terms of paratexts and framing. The author argues that while paratexts are not available for the interpreter to define and delimit his ethical position, there are other factors that effectively frame this position. These factors are either controlled by the interpreter himself, encoded in the codes of his professional association or stipulated by the regulations of the profession that he provides interpreting service to. By examining how such factors intersect, the author believes that it is ultimately personal ethics that prevail in the ethical positioning of the interpreter. From such an understanding the article seeks in particular to define the ways in which an interpreter frames her personal ethical position in the interpreting setting.<p>