Volume 59, Issue 3
  • ISSN 0521-9744
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9668
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This article builds a case for a dynamic and flexible translation competence, with several subordinate competence components interacting in different constellations. A core element of the system proposed is (inter)cultural competence, given that poor (inter)cultural background is a common source of problems for translation students. To solve these, efforts are required at different levels, including declarative knowledge, skills and know-how, ‘existential’ competence and the ability to learn. Deficiencies at the level of declarative knowledge are relatively easy to cure. The three other types of competences are much harder to improve as they involve aspects of affect and behaviour. In order to realize these ambitious goals, the present article proposes a very concrete project. By bringing learners in contact with the international art scene in Brussels through work as translators for the <i>Kunstenfestivaldesarts</i>, both their intercultural competence and their motivation is increased. Such an approach breaks with obsolete models of teacher- and text-centred translation education. They are replaced by a learner-centred (inter)active approach and by real-life reception conditions which both stimulate learners and provide them with an opportunity to take their first steps in professional life.


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