Current trends in analyzing syntactic variation
  • ISSN 0774-5141
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9676
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This paper addresses the early variation in what has been called the [prep_] variable in Spanish nominal complement clauses, i.e. the alternation between and in examples such as (CORDE) ‘as a sign that I appreciate You, Zulema, I offer this ring’. By applying several subsequent quantitative analyses on corpus instances of the sequences N and N , the locus of variation is restricted to such an extent that the variation can largely be accounted for. A collostructional analysis identifies 31 central nouns of the N complement clause construction. A diachronic cluster analysis delimits the temporal dimension of the variation to the 16th and 17th centuries. A distinctive collexeme analysis identifies nine nouns which are used in both constructional formats to a comparable degree: ‘cause’, ‘doubt’, ‘hope’, ‘faith’, ‘opinion’, ‘fear’, ‘sign(al)’, ‘suspicion’, and ‘fear’. Detailed contextual analysis of the use of these nine nouns by means of a mixed-effects logistic regression reveals that the use of the nouns with a determiner is correlated with the variant, and the use of the nouns as part of complex predicates, as in ‘have suspicion’, is associated with the variant of the complement clause.


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