Volume 34, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0774-5141
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9676
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This paper presents a frame-based constructional approach to argument structure satisfaction via unselected adjuncts, by focusing on one such case in Japanese. It points out an intriguing constructional phenomenon whereby causal adjunct clauses marked with ‘because’, as used with main-clause predicates that evoke frames (such as Telling and Warning), serve to satisfy main-clause argument structure. The clause precedes the main-clause speech act of telling/warning, and can be interpreted as a speech-act causal (Sweetser 1990). The clause at the same time conveys the content of informing or warning, i.e., the core Frame Element , which is absent as a main-clause complement. This analysis of argument structure satisfaction via unselected adjuncts provides evidence for a Frame Semantic approach to argument structure that incorporates Construction Grammar.


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