Volume 14, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1876-1933
  • E-ISSN: 1876-1941
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As in many other Germanic languages, Modern Danish combines the verb ‘get’ and a semantic main verb in the supine form (the uninflected perfect participle). Three main types of the construction are found: an agentive type typically interpreted as expressing successful intentional action and two non-agentive types: one with a ditransitive main verb and promotion of the indirect object to subject status, and one with a non-valency-bound subject typically interpreted as a Beneficiary. Based on a functional framework, the paper presents a corpus study of the construction and an analysis unifying all three main types in a common whose functional contribution is the specification of the subject as an Afficiary (Beneficiary or Maleficiary). The distinction between agentive and non-agentive interpretation is analysed as a voice distinction between active and passive.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): affaction; agentivity; beneficiary; maleficiary; telicity; voice; ‘get’ verbs
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