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Revisiting border conflicts between FrameNet and Construction Grammar: Annotation policies for the Brazilian Portuguese Constructicon
- Source: Constructions and Frames, Volume 6, Issue 1, Jan 2014, p. 34 - 51
This paper proposes three policies for the annotation of constructions in FrameNet Brasil, and, potentially, in other FrameNets. Annotation policies are defined so as to both avoid uncontrolled redundancy in the database and respect the theoretical and methodological foundations of Frame Semantics and Construction Grammar. The first policy is concerned with the task of deciding whether a given piece of language should be analyzed as an instance of a construction, or as a valence pattern of a lexical unit; the second specifies criteria for the definition of Construct Elements; finally, the third policy regulates the interconnections between constructions and frames in the database.
© 2014 John Benjamins Publishing Company