Volume 10, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2213-8722
  • E-ISSN: 2213-8730
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Set in the contemporary public discourse about the Serbian language, this paper demonstrates how metaphors of and about constructed with the source domains of and (e.g., language occupation, language as battlefield, to fight for language) may serve nationalistic political aims and act as conflict-inciting messages, under the pretenses of typical language purism or ‘language care’. The concept of pseudometaphor is introduced as a figuration-based discursive strategy whereby metaphors for , underpinned by the metonymy, may serve as tools for covertly conveying controversial messages about their respective . The analysis covers public discourse published in a span of eight years (2010–2018), involving institutionalized language and political campaigns, and less institutionalized public language debates. As convergent evidence for pseudo-metaphoricity of the metaphors and their potential for instigating inter-ethnic conflict, the analysis includes critical voices that expose the dominant ideology through literalization of their metaphorical models.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): (pseudo-)metaphor; language ideology; Serbian; VIOLENCE/WAR figurations
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