Volume 45, Issue 2
  • ISSN 1810-7478
  • E-ISSN: 2589-5230



This study investigates the semantic variations of three near-synonymous space particle constructions of in Chinese: [ NP ]. While previous work has mostly applied qualitative analyses of the semantic differences between these particles, this study presents a corpus-based analysis examining the relationship between space particles and their co-occurring landmarks in the locative construction. Two quantitative analyses were conducted: a multiple distinctive collexeme analysis and a post-hoc semantic analysis. Our results suggest the following. First, is a more unmarked particle in encoding , co-occurring with both canonical landmarks and a wider range of entities. Second, shows a strong preference for landmarks denoting temporal concepts; this metaphorical use often implies a preplanned objective in the proposition, with the landmark as an intended deadline. Finally, shows a strong connection to landmarks denoting high-dynamicity events. This extended use often comes with a marked aspectual reading of the landmark.

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