Volume 46, Issue 2
  • ISSN 1810-7478
  • E-ISSN: 2589-5230
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This paper presents a corpus-based study of a number of different types of previously undescribed constructions formed with the Tagalog noun ‘companion’. Apart from independent and attributive uses, frequently occurs as the predicate of an adjunct clause that can introduce a comitative participant, a semantically depictive secondary predicate, an event-oriented adjunct, or a predicative complement. The study analyses the frequency of in all of these types of constructions and looks into their specific properties. This includes: the semantic distinction between additive and inclusory constructions with ; animacy agreement between arguments of in additive constructions; variation in case marking of arguments of ; the preponderance of the absence of linkers – commonly known to introduce adverbial clauses in Tagalog – which are used to attach the clause to the main clause; attested controllers of the clause; positions available for the clause in the sentence. Variation in case marking and compatibility with linkers suggests a classification of Tagalog adjunct clauses similar to that of Tagalog adverbials and prepositions. There is also some evidence to believe that is being grammaticalized as a preposition. Comitative and semantically depictive constructions with , which account for a quarter of the corpus sample, have never been studied before, despite the fact that Tagalog is included in several typological studies on comitative and depictive constructions.


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