Volume 53, Issue 3
  • ISSN 2451-828x
  • E-ISSN: 2451-8298
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Previous research in Chinese L2 learning has shown that video learning is an effective way to engage students, especially for learning social realities such as cultural values (e.g., dating practices). Chinese L2 learners commonly have experience with learning social realities from videos, including textbook videos, television dramas, music clips and talk shows Using the lens of internalization, this qualitative study provides a detailed interpretation of what video offered its Chinese L2 participants and what challenges the participants experienced learning about social realities. This article discusses three focused cases with 12 interviews, 30 observations, 3 clip-elicitation conversations, and documents (including memos and field notes). Use of a three-phase Constant Comparative Method (CCM) revealed that the learning processes of Chinese L2 learners displayed similarities and differences. Participants had distinctive trajectories in their learning of social realities. Implications for Chinese L2 research and education are discussed.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): internalization; qualitative; social realities; videos; 内在化理论; 定性; 社会现实; 视频
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