Volume 7, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2211-7245
  • E-ISSN: 2211-7253
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This research presents the results of a quantitative and qualitative analysis of the use of the Dutch placement verbs zetten (‘put’) and leggen (‘lay’) by French-speaking learners of Dutch. The experiment consisted of a productive task. The results confirm that the use of Dutch placement verbs is problematic for French-speaking learners, but they also reveal some important tendencies. First, our analysis demonstrates that French-speaking learners tend to underuse these verbs, which can be explained by the fact that placement events in French are often described by means of a neutral verb such as ‘mettre’ (‘put’) as opposed to the more specific verbs in Dutch. Secondly, the learners occasionally also tend to overuse the placement verbs in contexts where such verbs are not allowed, an observation which is seemingly paradoxical to the first one. Thirdly, learners also tend to confuse ‘zetten’ with ‘leggen’ and vice versa.


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