Volume 39, Issue 2
  • ISSN 0172-8865
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9730
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Previous research suggests there are register differences between native and non-native varieties of English, as well as translated English. This article reports on a multidimensional (MD) analysis of register variation in the published written registers of 16 varieties of English, and tests expectations for register variation in contact varieties evident from existing research. The study finds that the effects of and are largely independent of each other, indicating that overall, registers pattern in similar ways across varieties. is the strongest factor accounting for variance in the data, but also contributes significantly to variation. Non-native varieties before phase four in the Dynamic Model ( Schneider 2007 ) and translations draw more extensively on markers of formality than non-native varieties at phase four and native varieties. Contact varieties display fewer involvement features than native varieties. Persuasive strategies and reported speech are variable across varieties, suggesting local stylistic and cultural differences.


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