Volume 40, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0172-8865
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9730
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Usage-based research in linguistics has to a large extent relied on corpus data. However, a feature’s “failure to appear in even a very large corpus (such as the Web) is not evidence for ungrammaticality, nor is appearance evidence for grammaticality” (Schütze and Sprouse 2013: 29). It is therefore advisable to complement corpus-based analyses with experimental data, so as to (ideally) obtain converging evidence. This paper reviews reasons for combining corpus linguistic with psycholinguistic experimental methods, and demonstrates how research on varieties of English can profit from experimentation. For a study of conversion in Asian Englishes, the maze task (Forster, Guerrera, and Elliot 2009Forster 2010) was implemented with a web-based, open-source software. The results of the experiment dovetail with a previous analysis of the (Davies 2013). These results should encourage researchers not to base findings exclusively on corpus evidence, but corroborate them by means of experimental data.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Asian Englishes; converging evidence; conversion; web-based experimentation
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