Volume 24, Issue 2
  • ISSN 0929-998X
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9765
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The prevalent hypothesis in research on pragmatic markers suggests that the left periphery of an utterance attracts predominantly subjective meanings, whereas the right periphery is the locus of intersubjective meanings. The goal of this paper is to test this hypothesis for as used in a dataset of spoken Glaswegian English, a variety in which may occur in both left- and right-peripheral positions. Considering that derives its discursive meaning not , but from its embeddedness in particularized contexts, the methodological framework integrates the notion of (inter)subjectivity with the interactional-sociolinguistic concept of contextualization cue to identify (inter)subjective patterned co-occurrences for . A fine-grained analysis of the patterns forms with subjective and intersubjective cues in its local linguistic context shows that discourse patterns of left-peripheral tend to foreground subjective meanings, while discourse patterns of right-peripheral tend to foreground more intersubjective meanings, supporting the hypothesis of peripheral asymmetry.


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