• ISSN 1598-7647
  • E-ISSN: 2451-909X
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A text is not only related to the author and the reader, but also to other texts. It contains intertextual links, such as quotations, allusions and references, which are especially difficult to translate. By translating them literally, the meaning may be lost. The translator has to help the reader by providing explicitations, notes and so on, but this may change the overall effect of the text. The problem is especially acute when the quoted text is not well-known in the target culture. A possible solution is to stress the function of the intertextual links. Several examples taken from German literature (Kafka, Fontane) are given to illustrate the above difficulties.Each text exists within a general network which is like a vast society of texts. In the second part of the article, it is shown that a translated text has its own place on the intertextual web, which can never be the same as that of the original. The translator must accept this reality, which turns a translation into a living work. Intertextuality does not limit translation - the two enjoy a close and very fruitful relationship.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): allusion; citation; intertextualité; traduction; transfert culturel
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