Volume 19, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1598-7647
  • E-ISSN: 2451-909X
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The paper explores the translator’s voice from the paratextual perspective combined with a descriptive case study of Goldblatt’s English translation of and . In the multidisciplinary and trans-disciplinary integrated analytical framework of narrative stylistics and socio-translation studies, the author argues that the translator’s voice could be studied at two levels, i.e. narrative voice in the target text as well as peritext and situational voice in the translation process. Paratexts could be employed to endorse the existence of narrative voice. Besides, paratexts serve to shed light on the implied multiplicity of situational voice and probe into the pivotal parts of the translator therein. The article aims to strengthen the bonds between paratexts and the translator’s voice, enrich the theory on the translator’s voice and further feed vigor into the field of translation studies. Meanwhile, the study deduces implications for enhancing the international communication of Chinese literature.


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