Volume 20, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1598-7647
  • E-ISSN: 2451-909X
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The phenomenon that this study seeks to investigate is viewed in many different ways by scholars of Translation Studies. Sometimes, it is seen as “mediation”, or “intervention” and other times, it is seen as sheer “manipulation”, however, these terms all seem to describe the shifts that are found in the target-text, reflecting an ideology not found in the source text. The significance of these kinds of shifts, lies in the fact that they serve to either endorse or resist prevalent ideologies among the audience of the target culture. Applying Teun van Dijk’s multidisciplinary socio-cognitive approach of the ‘ideological square’ (1998; 2011) as well as Hatim & Mason’s (2005) model of the degrees of translators’ mediation, this paper explores how discriminatory ideologies such as racism, misogyny and xenophobia are dealt with in the process of translating Shakespeare’s .


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): CDA; ideology; idéologie; misogynie; misogyny; Othello; racism; racisme; Shakespeare; traduction; translation
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