Volume 20, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1598-7647
  • E-ISSN: 2451-909X
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Among the diverse varieties of translation, one is institutional translation, i.e., a type of translation done either in or for a particular institution. In contemporary Iran after the victory of the Islamic Revolution of 1979, a large number of social, religious, political, cultural, and artistic works have been translated from Persian into a long array of other languages within such a framework. The implementation of such trans-national projects has involved hundreds of translators/ interpreters, allocation of billions of dollars, and making use of a wide network of international publishers and distributors. Numerous motives could be enumerated for such undertakings; however, the effects of such endeavors appear not to have been addressed in Translation Studies as yet. This research aims at pinpointing the mechanisms of such institutions, in particular relying on concepts such as ideology, hegemony and translational discourse-propagating network to contribute to evaluation of such a phenomenon. To this end, 11 Iranian post-revolutionary institutions with translational agendas were identified, demonstrated to have been following double objectives across the world; ideological identity-based discourse to propagate Islamic revolutionary Shia inclinations as well as to support consolidate the hegemony of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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