Volume 20, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1598-7647
  • E-ISSN: 2451-909X
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Despite a remarkable growth of translation and interpreting studies (TS), little attention has been paid to doctoral students and their experiences of doctoral studies. This paper investigates TS doctoral experiences based on a survey of 73 doctoral students and graduates from the two largest and oldest TS doctoral programmes in South Korea. The survey includes questions about their personal backgrounds, overall doctoral experiences, research competencies, regrets and suggestions for the doctoral programmes. The analysis reveals the challenges they encountered and examines their assessments of TS research competencies. Research competence and time management were the greatest challenges in their doctoral studies. The paper also highlights the factors for successful doctorate completion by statistically analysing the participants’ variables, including their age, marital status, years of practice and personal motives for undertaking doctoral studies. The paper concludes by discussing its implications for TS doctoral programmes and research.


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