Volume 21, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1598-7647
  • E-ISSN: 2451-909X
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Based on the concepts of foreignness delineated by theorists in border studies and cultural translation, this paper analyzes Xi Ni Er’s short stories and identifies two types of translation challenges: the untranslatability of words and the untransferability of feelings. The Singapore-specific linguistic landscape features heteroglossia and homophonic implications, and these characteristics constitute untranslatable linguistic foreignness. In addition, this paper notes social and cultural foreignness that serve the function of making readers feel what the writer feels (e.g., sorrow, nostalgia, and indignation), and it is difficult to find an effective and suitable translation strategy to trigger empathy among target readers who do not share social or cultural experiences. This paper, thus, emphasizes the importance of investigating the transference of feelings, and a survey is conducted to gain reader-based insight into the suitability of offering supplementary materials in translation. Finally, the results reveal that readers find these materials helpful and not intrusive.


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