Volume 22, Issue 2
  • ISSN 1598-7647
  • E-ISSN: 2451-909X
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In formative assessment, teacher feedback can enhance student learning. To reap such benefits, educators need to deliver feedback in such a way that arouses students’ learning interest, invites their active engagement, and inspires follow-up action. We report on an exploratory qualitative study that compares two modalities of teacher feedback, namely, written versus audio feedback, provided to a group of 41 students in a consecutive interpreting course. Our qualitative content analysis of the students’ responses to the questionnaire reveals 25 lower-order themes, categorized into seven higher-order themes concerning inherent properties (informational, structural, and prosodic) and consequential aspects (communicative, functional, affective, and metacognitive) of written/audio feedback. Overall, the results seem to show the students’ preference for the audio feedback, because of its informativeness, specificity, interactivity, and affective/cognitive benefits. We discuss these results in terms of students’ learning gains, learning style, task-feedback alignment, and relationship between feedback specificity and modality for interpreter training.


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