image of Analysis of student interpreters’ self-assessment from the perspective of self-regulated
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This study aims to examine the significance of self-assessment in interpreter training from the perspective of self-regulated learning. To this end, this study first explores the three cyclical stages of self-regulated learning as conceptualized by Zimmerman, while also examining the significance of self-evaluation in interpreter training. Based on this theoretical framework, the study analyzes self-evaluations from both high-performing and low-performing students at a graduate school of translation and interpretation. The findings of the study reveal three key points: first, the effective use of self-assessment enhances learning effectiveness in interpreter training; second, significant differences exist between high-performing and low-performing students in their self-assessment practices; third, these differences highlight the need for incorporating self-assessment into interpreter training programs. Finally, the study suggests that enhancing self-regulated learning capabilities by actively incorporating self-evaluation into interpreter training can improve educational outcomes in interpreter training, leveraging the cyclical and positive impact of self-regulated learning processes.


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