Volume 27, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0142-5471
  • E-ISSN: 1569-979X



Qualitative uncertainty refers to the implicit and underlying issues that are imbued in data, such as the circumstances of its collection, its storage or even biases and assumptions made by its authors. Although such uncertainty can jeopardize the validity of the data analysis, it is often overlooked in visualizations, due to it being indirect and non-quantifiable. In this paper we present two case studies within the digital humanities in which we examined how to integrate uncertainty in our visualization designs. Using these cases as a starting point we propose four considerations for data visualization research in relation to indirect, qualitative uncertainty: (1) we suggest that uncertainty in visualization should be examined within its socio-technological context, (2) we propose the use of interaction design patterns to design for it, (3) we argue for more attention to be paid to the data generation process in the humanities, and (4) we call for the further development of participatory activities specifically catered for understanding qualitative uncertainties. While our findings are grounded in the humanities, we believe that these considerations can be beneficial for other settings where indirect uncertainty plays an equally prevalent role.

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