Volume 2, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2213-8706
  • E-ISSN: 2213-8714
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This paper first examines the distribution of 曾as an experiential aspect marker, and then the distribution of 識 both as a cognition verb and as an experiential aspect in five earlier Southern Min texts. (Wu 2001abcd and Quanzhou 2010) Almost three quarters of all instances of 曾 occur in non-positive contexts. The same percentage of occurrence is also true of 識, be it a cognition verb or an experiential aspect. A comparison of the use of 識 as a verb and as an experiential aspect marker indicates that 16 (sixteen) tokens occur in non-positive context. Only one suspicious instance occurs in a positive context. Crucially, robust cases of reinforcement of juxtaposed negatives and experiential aspects, 未曾, show that the emergence of the experiential aspect marker (‘ever’) from its cognitive source may have been induced by the weakening of the early experiential aspect marker 曾 in the sequence 未曾 ‘have not yet; never’, of which the-in was deleted to result a lacuna.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): experiential aspect; negative; interrogative reinforcement; Southern Min
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