Corpus Studies in Contrastive Linguistics
  • ISSN 1384-6655
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9811
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The so-called ‘raising-to-subject’ pattern that verbs of the type believe can occur in is usually treated as the passive alternative for the so-called ‘raising-to-object’ pattern. In addition to broadening the empirical basis for the opposite claim that the English and Dutch raising-to-subject (or ‘nominative and infinitive’) patterns have a special functionality which is different from that of the passive construction, this paper specifically examines the stronger proposition that this has always been the case. It empirically investigates whether this proposition holds equally well for English and Dutch through a comparison of the frequencies of believe-type raising-to-object and raising-to-subject patterns in two diachronic corpora. The methodology makes use of Distinctive Collexeme Analysis.


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