Volume 28, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1384-6655
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9811



This article examines the lexically parallel English and German constructions and “not tolerate (someone or something)”, from synchronic, diachronic, and quantitative perspectives. Syntactic and semantic restrictions suggest that the usage of and in the relevant sense is older than other semantically similar verbs (e.g. English , German ), while quantitative evidence from corpora shows that the and constructions are both colligationally stronger than lexical competitors. Evidence from the history of indicates that the lexeme in the Germanic and other Indo-European languages has a long history of being employed in the relevant sense. The restrictions on usage and the colligational strength of the respective English and German constructions are thus argued to result from the antiquity of the construction and functional competition from other lexemes.

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