Volume 3, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2215-1478
  • E-ISSN: 2215-1486
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This paper examines the effect of learning context on the improvement of some L2 phonological parameters. Based on the (LeaP), it investigates the speech of 29 learners with various L1s who were recorded before and after either (i) a six to nine-month stay abroad, (ii) a six-month training course in the target language phonology or (iii) a stay abroad that included instruction in the L2 phonology. Quantitative corpus analyses were carried out on the learners’ vowel reduction, intonation and on their oral fluency. Results showed gains for all learner groups in pitch range, vowel reduction and fluency, but only one significant gain for the training course participants (group 2) as compared to the stay abroad groups. Qualitative corpus analyses revealed the pronounced variation across individual learners and suggest an intricate interplay between speaking styles and learning contexts.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): L2 English; L2 German; learning context; speech rate; stay abroad; vowel reduction
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