• ISSN 2214-3157
  • E-ISSN: 2214-3165
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This paper examines the words and constructions that Koromu speakers (PNG) use to talk about tare ‘hurt/pain’ and other painful sensations. It also reflects on links to cultural and environmental influences in daily life and key life events, environmental knowledge and traditional health care. Terms such as warike ‘be/feel bad’, tare ‘hurt/pain’, perere ‘hurt: sting, cut, burn’, and kaho ‘ache: burn, pierce’ are used in different constructions with varying emphases. These constructions are among the most typologically interesting in Koromu grammar. They are related to, but also distinct from, constructions found in other Papuan languages. They include experiencer object constructions, serial verb constructions with the grammaticized valency-increasing verb here/he put, and nominal constructions with, or without, prominent noun-phrase marking.


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