Volume 8, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2214-3157
  • E-ISSN: 2214-3165
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In this paper we analyse verbal reduplication in the Amondawa language, focusing on the aspectual function. We argue that verbal reduplication may be linked to Amondawa’s cultural values, such as the counting system and the event-based concept of time. We analysed 100 verbal predicates, considering: (i) transitivity (active and stative intransitive and transitive), (ii) semantic properties (state, activity, achievements and accomplishments); and (iii) morphological structure. The results suggest that, for the Amondawa, verbal reduplication presents notions of pluractionality, notably aspectual, and reflects cultural values related to their ways of counting things in the world and their conception of time. Thus, in this language/culture, it is preferable to say that this phenomenon evidences a decomposition of the event into micro-events, rather than verbal plurality. In this sense, reduplication works as a kind of aspectual marker and not as a plural mark, in the strict sense, whether in nouns or verbs.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): Amondawa; culture; pluractionality; Tupian languages; verbal reduplication
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