Volume 9, Issue 2
  • ISSN 2214-3157
  • E-ISSN: 2214-3165
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Based on 4 sets of linguistic data (dictionaries, corpus, texts, and surveys), the article explores the way in which the concept of KÆRLIGHED ‘love’ is organized in Danish. Thus, the key factors which play a role in the complex structure of the concept are: the language system, together with the emotion terms it makes available to its speakers; metaphoric models; models at the level of single subcategories; as well as individual experience. There also seem to occur prototype effects within the concept, both with regard to the single attributes of the concept as well as its subcategories. Additionally, the analysis has revealed the unique character of the Danish concept of KÆRLIGHED, which is inherently connected to other parts of the Danish worldview such as gender parity, sex, motherhood, God, the self or homeland, and which uses unique linguistic tools to convey the single conceptualizations.


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