Volume 26, Issue 1
  • ISSN 1384-6647
  • E-ISSN: 1569-982X
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This article analyses public service interpreters’ self-perceptions of the role played by their gender in their professional practice, a matter unexplored until now in interpreting studies. Through a thematic analysis of 95 responses to a qualitative online survey in Finland, the United Kingdom and Spain, this study identified (1) whether interpreters perceive their gender as significant in interpreter-mediated encounters; (2) in which situations interpreters believe their gender to be relevant; (3) the reasons why gender becomes significant in interpreter-mediated encounters, and (4) whether the interpreter’s gender has an impact on their credibility and trust-building. The results suggest that the interpreter’s gender plays a significant role in their interactions, having an impact on both the interpreter’s and the client’s experience. The participants highlight the significance of the interpreter’s gender, especially in healthcare situations, and discuss it in connection with the client’s level of comfort and preference; relatability based on shared experiences, gender biases and expectations; sexism; intersectionality, and the interpreter’s visibility. These results are examined with respect to the literature on gender in interpreting studies and paths for future research are suggested.


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