Volume 26, Issue 2
  • ISSN 1384-6647
  • E-ISSN: 1569-982X
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This study investigates the visual processing patterns during computer-assisted consecutive interpreting (CACI). In phase I of the proposed CACI workflow, the interpreter listens to the source speech and respeaks it into speech recognition (SR) software. In phase II, the interpreter produces target speech supported by the SR text and its machine translation (MT) output. A group of students performed CACI with their eye movements tracked. In phase I, the participants devoted the majority of their attention to listening and respeaking, with very limited attention distributed to the SR text. However, a positive correlation was found between the percentage of dwell time on the SR text and the quality of respeaking, which suggests that active monitoring could be important. In phase II, the participants devoted more visual attention to the MT text than to the SR text and engaged in deeper and more effortful processing when reading the MT text. We identified a positive correlation between the percentage of dwell time on the MT text and interpreting quality in the L2–L1 direction but not in the L1–L2 direction. These results contribute to our understanding of computer-assisted interpreting and can provide insights for future research and training in this area.


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