Volume 5, Issue 1
  • ISSN 2542-3851
  • E-ISSN: 2542-386X
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This editorial introduction establishes the theoretical basis for the special issue with a focus on (in)formality, Goffman’s (1959) notion of front– and backstage and the internet as a stage, as well as the performance of self. Further attention is given to notions of self-branding, micro-celebrity, and self-disclosure. Explicit discussion of the linguistic construction of formality and informality in performative online settings has been rare and the articles in this issue aim at investigating the complex interplay between context, (in)formality, and performance on different digital platforms (ranging from rather traditional web forums to YouTube, Reddit, Instagram, and WeChat Moments). The contributions thus shed light on some of the intricate performative processes which are at the heart of online communication and offer manifold perspectives on (in)formality online.


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