Volume 19, Issue 1-2
  • ISSN 1572-0373
  • E-ISSN: 1572-0381
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This article focuses on the interweaving of constructive praxis with communication in , in and in biocultural niche evolution (), within an framework. I begin by discussing the nature of symbolization, its evolution from communicative signaling and its elaboration into semantic systems. I distinguish between the and the brain, leading to a discussion of linguistic conceptualization and its in organism and language system. There follows an outline account of the interpenetration in the human biocultural niche-complex of and mediated by the evolution of the niche of infancy. Symbolization (the foundation of the semiosphere) is by definition normative; the normative character of the technosphere is demonstrated by the interrelations in human development between affordance, action schema and canonical functional object schema. A model of the neuro-computational implementation of dual grounding is proposed.


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