Volume 137, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0019-0829
  • E-ISSN: 1783-1490
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The relativist point of view in the study of language spreads all throughout the history of linguistics dressed up in different colours. After some time in which this perspective of linguistic analysis had been dismissed, it is nowadays that its survival is taking place. In this sense, we should turn to linguistics as the general framework in order to find the reasons that justify the renovated interest in the mentioned topic. In doing so, we will show that relativist focus will act as a profitable perspective. Its capability of adjusting to the most recent directions in modern linguistics explains how relativist point of view can contribute important data into other linguistic fields of study. The integration of both sociocultural and neurologic aspects on the one hand, the absorption of knowledge from other disciplines on the other, and finally, the empirical experimentation as the best research method, turn into the most important features that define linguistic relativity at the moment.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): empirical experimentation; interdisciplinarity; linguistic relativity
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