Volume 162, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0019-0829
  • E-ISSN: 1783-1490
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The majority of legal dictionaries or databases, both explanatory and translation, do not specify their target audience. Moreover, the scarcity of bilingual legal dictionaries and databases is striking –in particular when the language in question is a minority language such as Dutch– even though it is the optimum tool for the translator. Hence the need for bilingual legal tools, in this case Spanish/Dutch tools, specifically designed for the translator. The translator must find equivalents for all the units in the source text that are of interest from a contrastive standpoint. This article deals with the problem of such units starting from a well defined geographic context (Spain/Dutch speaking part of Belgium) and a specific type of text (articles of association), on the basis of a corpus and electronic search tools. In the end we distinguish three types of units for our electronic database JuriGenT: 1) terminological units, which are units with clear juridical contents but completed with units that border common language use 2) phraseological units, which are units selected on the basis of morphosyntactic and syntactico-semantic criteria and which always contain a juridical term, and, 3) connecting units, which are units that only gain juridical meaning in combination with paradigms of terminological units. The selection of units for our database JuriGenT containing these three types, in particular the phraseological and connecting units, which often demonstrate lexical syntactic and/or lexico, syntactic assymetries between source and target unit, contribute to an idiomatic translation.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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