Volume 170, Issue 2
  • ISSN 0019-0829
  • E-ISSN: 1783-1490
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This study examines the impact of task repetition on second language learners’ task performance and the mediating role of teacher feedback and learner self-assessment on oral performance. The study was conducted in a university-based English for Academic Purposes (EAP) program, where, as part of a course, intermediate proficiency learners ( = 52) were tasked with preparing and delivering a technology-mediated oral presentation (i.e., task) on a topic of their choice. First, they presented the task to the whole-class, reflected on their performance in terms of language and format quality, and received teacher’s feedback. Four weeks later, they produced a second recording and reflected on it again. A comparison group ( = 26) also delivered a presentation before a class but did it once, without reflection or teacher feedback. Both groups used technology to prepare, deliver, and document their presentations. The recordings were rated on six rubric-determined traits by the teacher and an independent rater, and the scores were compared between groups. To determine the effects of self-assessment, coupled with teacher feedback, on task repetition, learners’ written reflections and teacher’s comments were analyzed using discourse coding techniques. The results revealed benefits for task repetition and self-assessment during the performance of the same task for the experimental group, confirming the importance of task repetition in EAP contexts and the need for continuous and teacher-supported learner self-assessment in learner task performance and outcome.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): English for academic purposes; feedback; self-assessment; task repetition; technology
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