image of Learning L2 formulaic sequences from meaning-focused activities



Formulaic language is becoming an increasingly popular topic of investigation in second language acquisition research. As linguistic units that provide language users with many benefits in communication and language processing, formulaic sequences have now taken up a central role in theoretical approaches to SLA theory and L2 pedagogy. This paper provides a review of studies investigating how formulaic sequences are acquired from meaning-focused L2 activities. The article starts by defining formulaic language and discussing the advantages of formulaic sequences for SLA. It then addresses key issues in L2 processing and use of formulaic sequences, before reviewing research into L2 acquisition of formulaic sequences through meaning-focused activities. Finally, the paper identifies some future directions for research on meaning-focused L2 learning of formulaic language.

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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keywords: vocabulary ; meaning-focused activities ; incidental learning ; formulaic language
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