Volume 71, Issue 1
  • ISSN 0019-0829
  • E-ISSN: 1783-1490
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In this paper we attempt to link three research areas in the field of second language acquisition : cerebral lateralization for language, language aptitude, and success in inductive versus deductive approaches to language teaching. Based on findings from these three areas, we argue that right as well as left hemisphere type processing may play a role in language acquisition at any age. Furthermore, individuals vary in their ability to use the characteristic processing modes of the two hemispheres and these individual differences may partially underly differences in performance on language aptitude measures as well as success in different language teaching approaches. A study of English-speaking adults is reported. The study tests the hypothesis that different components of language aptitude, as measured by subtests II and IV of the (Carroll and Sapon 1959) may represent functions which are differentially lateralized. Specifically, subtest II, , is hypothesized to require at least some right hemisphere processing, whereas subtest IV, , is hypothesized to rely more on left hemisphere processing. MLAT subtest scores are correlated with scores on an English dichotic listening test. Evidence is found to support the hypothesis that right hemisphere linked abilities may underly some aspects of language aptitude. These findings are discussed in the light of other studies relating MLAT scores and hemisphere preference to success in deductive versus inductive second language courses.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
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