Volume 29, Issue 2
  • ISSN 0957-6851
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9838
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Media credibility, as a construct that has been mainly developed in the western context, hasn’t been examined thoroughly and tested in Asia cultural and social context. This research discusses and verifies media credibility as a multi-dimensional construct, with the support of empirical data. It discusses the impact of privately-owned news websites, e.g. Sina, on state-owned television stations, e.g. CCTV, with a focus on media credibility in the context of China. The data supports that media credibility includes both professional and political dimensions. The dimension of political orientation is a unique one developed directly in the context of China with empirical data support. This paper also explores contributing factors that impact media credibility in the Chinese context, and finds positive impact of privately-owned website use on media credibility of state-owned television.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): media credibility; television; website
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