Volume 29, Issue 2
  • ISSN 0957-6851
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9838
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The present study aims (1) to study stereotype contents of a target population, and (2) to test the predictive power of three contesting theoretical models in the communication framework of who→says what→in which channel→to whom→with what effect (Lasswell, 1948). A purposive sample of ( = 291) Vietnamese high school and college students found that they have positive stereotypes about Americans in general and a mix of positive and negative stereotypes about Black/African-Americans. Of the three theoretical models, the communication model had collectively the strongest predictors, followed by the psychological model, and then the contact model. Theoretical as well as practical implications of the study is discussed.


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  • Article Type: Research Article
Keyword(s): communication framework; stereotype; stereotype formation; theoretical models
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