Volume 27, Issue 2
  • ISSN 0957-6851
  • E-ISSN: 1569-9838
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This study aims to research mass media communication and multipolar relationships in public diplomacy by using announcement of China Air Defense Identification Zone (CADIZ) in November 2013 as a case. Based on importance of mass mediated public diplomacy, to examine wording and message structure, language analysis program of semantic and ego network is applied. In addition, considering the environment of Korean media, newspapers from democratic and conservative are selected. The CADIZ issue takes place in Northeast Asian region but reactions and the relations of the USA are mainly dealt with. The USA is closely connected to China and Korea and has an important influence as a consultant in the given situation. Moreover, Korean media keep monitoring Japan’s response to refer Korea’s response strategy. Semantic and ego network seem to be powerful when analyzing international conflicts. This research shows that international relationship can be a significant asset to public diplomacy. In short, analyzing multipolar relations seems essential to understand construction of related countries and seek to solve diplomatic conflicts.


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